
to move

There’s never been a better time to launch innovative, culturally relevant work. How do we build experiences, products and shops that stand out from the crowd?
We make them meaningful.

Hi, I’m Bryn McCoy

I’m a technologist, designer, business advisor, futurist and design professor.  I love to collaborate with other creative leaders to launch transformative digital products and brand experiences.  In some of my favorite work, I’ve led interdisciplinary projects in design + technology with industry pioneers including IDEO, Motorola, Target, Threadless, IBM and The Oprah Winfrey Network. I also co-founded Citizen Made, an award-winning product design and ecommerce platform.  


My program and product processes use cognitive science to put people first, so you can successfully launch new work and deliver on your mission.

Product Design

Design Program Management

Design Leadership Coaching


Or get in touch to talk shop or join the waiting list for upcoming courses in Retail Innovation, Fashion + Wellness, and Product Design Culture!

5 + 2 =

Technofisch Design Studio

My studio work is dedicated to designing digital across all kinds of projects from entrepreneurial product ventures (service + app design) and small business web presence (marketing websites + ecommerce) to global enterprise (development of teams, design + research practices).

When you’re looking for help to build something better, let’s chat.

Design for the Stretch

I’ve also been busy writing my first book!

‘Design for the Stretch’ is an exploration of the next frontier in experience design. What’s happening as we meet sentient machines capable of learning, teaching and solving problems?

As we leverage design and technology to deliver smarter things, richer experiences and more convenience, are we also enhancing our human experience–developing emotional intelligence and enabling personal growth?

How might we develop our things to optimize our human potential?


Retail Innovation at Columbia College

My new Retail Innovation course is underway at Columbia College! And naturally it’s about style and innovative ways to move a market.

The future of shopping and retail is right around the corner—will you be ready? This 8-week course will get you in the mindset of modern consumers and give you strategies to make a bigger impact with your audience. Learn how to leverage the power of big data, predict trends, and make the most of social media—all customized to the cultural shifts and shopping behaviors that are set to revolutionize retail.

Lux Lab

Most recently, I launched a design collective wondering about the human potential in progressive tech. We have some dreams for the future and a bias toward action.

We’re having fun making things we care about, working to push the boundaries of personalized experiences for good.  



Many thanks to the friends and colleagues that have shared my work and given me more opportunities to connect.

Subscribe to the Archetype Journal

If you love what happens within the art + science of innovation, you’ll enjoy these stories about
why our things matter –
and how to put them to work for living our best lives.